Comment Policy

Guidelines for Public Comments

This website may allow for the posting of public comments.  Posted comments must directly relate to the information and/or topics of discussion on those sites, blogs, and applications.

We encourage and welcome your comments.  However, we request that this be done in a respectful manner, and we retain the discretion to determine which comments violate our comment policy.  We also reserve the right to hide, remove, and/or not allow comments to be posted.

We do not discriminate against any views, but we reserve the right to hide or delete comments that contain:

  • Demonstrably false information, including links to sites containing demonstrably false information.
  • Personally identifiable information, such as Social Security Numbers, home or business addresses, email addresses, or phone numbers.
  • Threats of harm or violence.
  • Profanity, obscenity, or vulgarity, including images of or links to such material.
  • Nudity in profile pictures or images shared in comments.
  • Defamation to a person or people.
  • Name calling and/or personal attacks.
  • Comments whose main purpose are to sell a product or promote commercial websites or services.
  • Comments that infringe on copyrights.
  • Spam comments, such as the same comment posted repeatedly on a profile.

Repeated violations of this policy may cause the author to be blocked.

We welcome your comments and questions.  You can submit a form on this website, or email us directly at

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